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Frequently Asked Questions

How big a Harmoniser should I get?

The bigger the Harmoniser, the bigger and stronger the field around it. However, smaller is obviously more portable and the personal harmoniser was specifically designed to go everywhere with you; even though its field is a lot smaller, you're always inside it. The field of an Environmental Harmoniser is big enough to cover a large American house and garden, so perfectly adequate for most homes. The Community Harmoniser (formerly known as the Agricultural Harmoniser) is for those with farms or who wish to affect their environment a little further afield.

Personal Harmonisers

Depending on the size of the Personal Harmoniser, they affect an area of between 5 and 20 feet around and through our bodies. As the Harmoniser energy travels through us, following the meridian channels, it will work its way gently through the body from head to toe. It appears that a user's personal bio-field is being strengthened and enhanced by the life force energies. All Personal Harmonisers come with one a 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Ring to recharge it.

The Sacred Cubit Personal Harmonizer:The Sacred Cubit Personal Harmoniser is the standard version and seems to work more in the physical realm. It may make you feel grounded, empowered and self-confident. It seems to reduce stress levels and protect your energy field from harmful influences.

The Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer: The Lost Cubit Personal Harmoniser seems to work more on the mental and emotional level, easing related pain and reducing stress levels. It has an uplifting quality about it, supporting healing of psychological issues.

The Unity Light-Life® Personal Harmonizer is a combination of the Sacred and Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer and appears to increase compassion, intuitive abilities, patience, and consciousness. It seems to be the most powerful protector of all Personal Harmonizers, on a physical as well as emotional level. In addition to that it may ease stress and speed up the healing process.

Environmental Harmonisers

The Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Environmental Harmonizer seems to produce a positive energy field that has an approximate 100-foot radius (and, when activated with an Environmental Clearing CD, that radius may increase to about 15 miles). It seems to reduce air pollution significantly. It can also be used in healing session to alleviate chronic issues.

The Lost Cubit Light-Life® Environmental Harmonizer seems to produce a positive energy field that has an approximate 120-foot radius (and, when activated with an Environmental Clearing CD, that radius may increase to about 25 miles). Reports show that it supports plant growth and is very helpful in healing emotional and mental issues.

Agricultural Harmonisers

The Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Community Harmonizers: This Harmonizer has a working radius of about 1.5 miles which increases to approximately 65 miles when activated with the Environmental Clearing CD (included). It seems to create a harmonious atmosphere where farm fields flourish, and birds, useful insects, butterflies and earthworms thrive.

The Lost Cubit Light-Life® Community Harmonizers: This Harmonizer has a working radius of about 2 miles which increases to approximately 85 miles when activated with the Environmental Clearing CD. It seems to restore soil, clean water of pollution, and increase plant growth. In addition, it brings out creativity, productivity and enthusiasm from those within its energy field.